Charter Revision Commission

The Charter Revision Commission reviews and makes recommendations to the County Executive and Legislature on amendments, additions or revisions to the County Charter. The Commission was established and operates under section C-5 of the Ulster County Charter.


Please email any information and/or comments you have to UlsterCharterCommission[at]co.ulster.ny[dot]us they will be forwarded to the Commission for consideration.



September 16, 2022

Dear Residents of Ulster County,

Please be advised that the Ulster County Charter Revision Commission is in the process of reviewing the Ulster County Charter to make recommendations to the County Executive and Legislature on amendments, additions, or revisions to the Charter pursuant to Section C-5(B) of the Ulster County Charter and Section A1-7, B of the Ulster County Administrative Code.

As part of this process, the Ulster County Charter Revision Commission invites you to provide any opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of The Charter and proposed improvements. You may access the current Charter here:


Kathleen C. Mihm
Kathleen C. Mihm, Chair
Ulster County Charter Revision Commission