This Toolbox has been created to provide communities in Ulster County with the strategic land use, market analysis and planning information they need to make decisions for revitalization and/or repositioning their “Main Streets” and commercial centers. This project is part of Ulster County’s comprehensive planning approach now being developed simultaneously with this project. The approach recognizes the value of compact development and the utilization of existing resources as a means to sustainable economic development.
Tools and Handouts | Case Study Reports and Documents
Main Street Case Study Reports, and Documents
This project began with "pilot" projects in the hamlet of Milton (Town of Marlborough) and the hamlet of Port Ewen (Town of Esopus). These locations were chosen as pilot cases for the Quality Communities project because they represent two of the types of Main Streets most common in Ulster County: “Crossroads” and “Activity Centers.” The case studies examine:
- Land use patterns in each hamlet/Main Street area
- Economic and market information about existing conditions in the each Main Street area and its current competitive position in the regional marketplace
Port Ewen and Milton Hamlets Case Study
Phoenicia, Pine Hill, and Shokan Case Study
Route 28 Corridor Main Street Program Recommendations for Phonecia, Pine Hill, and Shokan.
The tools fall into five categories based on our approach to working with communities. For more, see: Introducing the Main Street Strategic Toolbox.
Asset Based PlanningDeveloping a Main Street Strategy: How to work as a team to pursue a plan. Community-Led InitiativesSocial Networking for Main Street: The uses of web-based technology to keep the community connected and cultivate a client base. Land Use and Design Analysis Design Guidelines for Main Street: Establishing a shared idea of how alterations to properties and new development fit in with the existing and desired appearance and character of the community. Traditional Neighborhood Design: Lessons and best practices for time-tested principles of good design for compact, walkable communities. Market and Economic Analysis Cost/Benefit Analysis for Main Street: How to make well-informed decisions about types of businesses that support vitality. Market Analysis for Main Street: How to understand the customer base and competition for their business in your area.